A Complete HR Solution

The HR tools and services listed below are all included with AllMyHR Solutions. Our Cloud-Based Database, On Call HR Advisor Team, Unlimited Employee Training, Living Handbook Builder and more provides your business with all the support necessary to remain compliant and up-to-date. Furthermore, we will never require your payroll, insurance or staffing and we keep our pricing simple.

All Available with AllMyHR Solutions.

On-Call HR Advisor Team

Our approach to on call HR Support is simple. You call, experts answer. Available 12 Hours a day, Monday through Friday, by Phone, Chat or Email.

Living Handbook Builder

Effortless Employee Handbook and Company Policy creation. Our system provides step-by-step creation, real time alerts, and one click updates.

Employee Training

Unlimited Certified Employee Training Courses. Track each Employee’s progress and certifications right in your dashboard.

Compliance Database

Complete Compliance Resources in one easy to manage and search dashboard. Tools, Checklists, Forms, White Papers, Webinars and more.

Compliance Calendar

Our Compliance Calendar not only alerts you to required compliance form deadlines, but also provides the most up-to-date version of that form for one click download.

WRAP Document

Effortlessly create your company’s Wrap Document and ensure you are always ERISA compliant regarding your employee’s health and wellness benefit plans.

Webinar Library

SHRM & HRCI Recertification Credit Webinars. Leadership Training, Mitigating Workplace Harassment, How to Engage and Keep Great Employees… just to mention a few of our most popular.

Job Description Builder

Thoroughly create the perfect job description with ease. Download in Word or PDF format and upload into any job board.

Would you like to see how we work for you?

Schedule an AllMyHR Demo to see how our services help your business.

Pricing started at $99/month

Ready to Start Streamlining your HR?