After serving in the military, Ben attended and graduated from the University of Maryland. Enjoying a successful
career in sales and sales management for over 30 years of benefits consulting and management experience in the
insurance industry.
Ben enjoyed over 10 years of success building the Northern Virginia Area with a National Insurance Carrier.
With his broad background in recruiting, training and benefits design, he has built a strong reputation for
identifying problems and recommending effective, specialized solutions. Ben has participated on numerous
corporate advisory boards for insurance products, ethics, and procedures. A founder of and serving as President
of Benefits By Choice since 1996, he has extensive background in group health plans, both fully insured,
partially self-funded plans and has extensive experience with reinsurance products
Working with many commercial businesses, both large and small, he has developed a keen ability to identify and
resolve problems within organizations. “It was the strangest experience, but after we had done business with a
client for a while and gotten to the point where we had truly earned their trust, they started asking different kinds
of questions that we totally unrelated our products. They were almost always centered around Human
Resources. Even the phone calls received at our office centered around HR related situations”.
Most small and mid-size employers are very budget conscious and typically don’t have a dedicated, accredited HR
Specialist due to the cost. Most don’t even consider Hiring to that position until they get over a hundred
employees. They may know they have the need for an HR person to protect their company, but mentally, they
can’t make the math work.
With Government and State regulations changing at a record pace, this was a problem that needed to be
addressed. There are hundreds of thousands of companies in the U.S. who have a good loyal staff, but do not a
dedicated, accredited HR Professional. Often, it’s the person who’s responsible for payroll that becomes the heir
to HR, but rarely does this person have the experience necessary to run a compliant, streamlined HR department
Honest mistakes made in HR can be time consuming, expensive, and many times have lethal effects on one’s
business…. and that was how AllMyHR was born.
AllMyHR is “The Most Cost-Effective HR Solution available to Small and Mid-Size Employers”. We strongly
believe that if you give your current staff, who are responsible for HR, the Tools, and resources they need to
effectively perform their job, you will see these people rapidly grow into that position. It’s also a healthy situation
for a company when HR staff is familiar and appreciative of the company’s founding culture.
A ten-minute telephone call is normally all we need for an employer want to know more. AllMyHR’s service is
inexpensive, user friendly and it streamlines your HR department so staff can devote more time to the strategic
aspects of their job…Recruiting, Training, Motivation and Retention!